Fatty Keto Coffee Recipe- Keto Coffee Explained

Why Drink Fatty Keto Coffee? How could this be healthy?

When it comes to fatty keto coffee, or “bulletproof” coffee, what is the recipe, and why does it work, you may be wondering….. how could putting butter in your coffee possibly be good for me? Well, since I recommend this to my clients, I figured I’d better get something to explain why I believe in it. Before starting a low carb or keto diet I recommend you check out 3 steps before you go Keto.

The science behind the coffee is really simple. Fat barely stimulates insulin. Insulin stimulated high turns off fat burning or Lipolysis. So by having only Fat calories in our coffee, we give ourselves a chunk of energy without spiking insulin. Which in turn the less we spike insulin, the more insulin sensitive we become. The more insulin sensitive we become the easier we dispose of glucose (sugar) and the less we store it in the fat cells. In type 2 diabetics the main problem is chronically high insulin throughout the 24 hour period. So we are actually reversing or preventing Insulin Resistance by creating these large periods of time with low insulin.

So here are my tips for making this delightful tasting thick coffee.

  1. Make sure you go with good fair trade organic coffee that hasn’t been sitting on the shelf forever. Coffee has high mold content when it hasn’t been properly cared for. So this is one of those things that you get what you pay for. Research moldy coffee, or mycotoxins in coffee and you’ll see exactly what i mean.
  2. Secondly butter in coffee is nothing new in other countries. It’s just not common in our country here in America. Butter has less proteins than cream so when it comes to keeping insulin low and keeping you satisfied butter is where it’s at!
  3. Thirdly MCT oil is our energy source. Medium Chain Triglycerides convert easily to ketone bodies which serve as brain fuel and delay hunger pangs. All in all keto coffee serves as way to keep your fast going, without spiking insulin, and (as long as you don’t over do it) will keep you burning fat form your nightly fast.                                So by skipping breakfast and implementing this awesome sauce in the morning you can kill cravings, keep insulin low, and give your digestive system a break from constantly having to digest food. This break in digestion leaves more energy for things like your brain and muscles. Which is probably why so many people say they feel so good drinking keto coffee. Thank you for reading and I hope you will subscribe to this blog and also my youtube channel as well. Have a wonderful day!

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