Is all this Gluten Free Stuff just Fad Diets? Or Could it really be Helpful?

More and more the rise of Gluten free products and diet trends are taking the scene over the years. Is it for real? Are their real Benefits to it or not? This Video showcases the top 4 symptoms of whether you might have an actual gluten sensitivity or not.

What is the real problem with Wheat in the US? Well, with some quick research on Pubmed you can easily find the data that it’s all about money and crop quantity not quality. They Spray the Wheat with chemicals to dry it out and harvest it immaturely. This process lowers the ratios of fiber to gluten. That combined with GMO of the wheat, and the fact that most industrial bread makers add more gluten to stretch their product farther is exactly why we have seen such a huge rise in Gluten Sensitivity over the last 25 years.

If you Struggle with any of these things than you may consider doing an elimination diet with gluten for a few weeks. Monitor your symptoms and see for yourself once you add it back in. More and more people need to slow down in life and just pay attention to their bodies and the signals that it is sending them. If we all did that their would be no trends because everyone would figure out that we are completely unique and what works for one may not always work for the other.

If you have watched the video and your interested in Coaching or Food allergy testing, please contact me at and I’ll do my best to help you with your individual situation.