Late Night Eating- Is it killing your Fat Loss Goals?

Late night Eating is a common trend I see among my friends and family. I drive by Restaurants and Fast food joints that are still packed with customers until 10pm or later! Is this normal? Should we as humans be consuming food that late into the day?
Well, it is simple when you look at the studies that have been done, that this is extremely unhealthy for us in a number of different ways.

  1. We have a slower Metabolism Leading up to Bedtime. This has to do with our Circadian Rhythm preparing our bodies for sleep. It slows down digestion and Metabolism to focus more on regeneration and restoration of our brain and our bodies. So by eating while our metabolism is slower is recipe for inflammation, poor digestion, and weight gain. Period.
  2. Poor Sleep Quality. Over and over again I have noticed on my Sleep Tracking device, the Oura ring, that anytime I eat a dinner with friends on the later side of things. My Deep Sleep score and REM sleep score dramatically take a turn for the worse. I further validating these findings with many studies from Pubmed that you can find here– Confirming that eating late at night decreases sleep scores and sleep quality in Vast Majority of individuals. 


I highly recommend to my clients that they avoid late night eating if at all possible! This may take effort if you have been doing it for a long time. But I promise you will thank yourself for it!

Optimize your metabolism during the day when it runs at it’s fastest! Optimize your sleep by not eating late can be a huge stress reducer further aiding in your fat loss goals.

Let me know if you have any questions, and Please Comment and like the video above if you got something from this article. Have a great day!


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