Personal Training For Power

Learn To Generate Huge Power!!!

Power comes in lots of shapes and sizes. It helps us in at work, at home, and at play. Power can be genetic and it can also be developed. But one things for sure, you can’t generate a lot from the couch or the recliner!!!!

Myself, I’m an avid Mountain Bike Trainer here in the Bentonville – Rogers area. When I’m climbing my bike up a really technical route, I’m constantly timing when I’m gonna unleash my power for that strong surge to make it up and over the most rad part. That said, I am constantly Personal training myself to cultivate more power to get better at the sports/activities I love.

How DO I Train For Power?

Tip 1: Train with Full Body Movements! Explosive Burpee’s, Box jumps, Clean and Jerk’s, and Deadlifts will not just get you bigger and stronger, but will make your powerful.

Tip 2: I use a plyometric exercise in every workout. Plyometric movement involves rapidly contracting and extending the muscle so it uses some of it’s own elasticity to generate momentum thereafter more power. If you watch someone jump, right before the jump you will see them do a tiny squat, then the explosion right after. That tiny squat uses the quadriceps elasticity to grow more force. For a list of Plyo’s click here.

Tip 3: Raise The Bar!!!! I am Constantly looking for Higher box to jump on (like the video below), or a heavier clean jerk set, or a faster sprint. Pushing yourself to beat your personal bests will always lead to progression, and it is rewarding and confidence building as well. Exactly why Training helps you in all areas of life not just in the gym.