Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Naturally-Healing Insulin Resistance

Type 2 Diabetes- how can we reverse this problem?

Americans have a massive problem brewing underneath the surface of our Medical System. We have entirely too many people that our sick from being Carbohydrate intolerant. Yet, if you told people they are carb intolerant they would likely scoff at you. There are more people in 2017 that are Type 2 Diabetic than in any other time in human history. We are paying more in health insurance than any other time in American History. Is there a Connection? Kris Kresser, a Functional Medicine Practitioner and educator talked recently about how we are subsidizing 14000$ a year for each type 2 diabetic. Think about that….. That is over 1000$ a month for each one! Most of which probably only pay a couple hundred of that, or none at all. So why is the health care system not paying attention to this? Why do they keep prescribing more and more medicine that only puts a band aid on the real problem at hand?Reversing type 2 diabetes naturally

Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Can be reversed Naturally

If you don’t believe that Diabetes and I.R. can be reversed Naturally than you obviously haven’t done much research on the topic. You can go on any social media platform, or Google and find lots of stories of people that have lost tons of weight, got off their diabetic meds, and found a new way of eating and living(yes, reversing type 2 diabetes is real). Two of the pioneers of this form of dieting and nutrition is Andreas Einfeldt) and the Intensive Dietary Management Clinic (Dr. Jason Fung). With the information that is out there about these modalities, more people are tired of taking the Metformin and the Insulin, and are trying LCHF, Ketogenic Diets, and Fasting. It only makes sense that if we are intolerant to something that by taking it (i.e. carbohydrates) away that we become more tolerant or sensitive to it. You can think of many substances, but one that comes to mind is Magnesium supplements. If you take too much you can have issues with “disaster pants”, yet when the dosage is lowered it can easily be tolerated. I mean really, were we meant to eat as many carbohydrates as Americans eat today? Think back only 100 years ago and try to picture what you find on the farm or the market in regards to Carbohydrates…. Could you get bananas, or pineapples in central united states all winter long? Or even at all?Carbohydrate intolerance

Starting the process to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Muscles and Veggies is based out of the Fayetteville Arkansas area. Being in the state of Arkansas, I see more people with this disease, or developing this disease, than any other ailment or medical condition. Let’s face it, country folk like country “eatin”. Working at two major gym locations in Northwest Arkansas, I constantly see people that come into the gym because they have recently got there diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or pre diabetes. More and more of them were put onto my client load for personal training. This made me dive into the research of insulin resistance and diabetes from a functional medicine perspective. I was immediately shocked that it could possibly be so simple, and better yet that very few Medical Practitioners were even talking about it. Maybe thats because there isn’t a ton of money in prescribing Low carb diets, Lifting weights, and Fasting…. That being said, Ive found 3 Modalities that Create insulin Sensitivity the Fastest:

type 2 diabetes coaching


#1 Nutrition (video here)
#2 Building Muscle (video here)
#3 Fasting (video here)

In starting this process, I recommend people try to begin by lowering the carbohydrate amount to a daily intake of around 150g of whole food carbs. While cutting out all forms of grains and added sugars. Carb sources are from things like Green Vegetables, Squashes, Sweet potatoes, Beets, Nuts, and berries. As you accomplish this transition away from multiple hundreds of Carbs a day, to 150g per day, then we move towards getting people under 100g a day of total Carbohydrates. Finding a protein threshold is also very helpful in getting your blood sugar to drop to normal levels. Too much protein has the ability to create glucose rating sugars. Basically it’s really simple. If people have high glucose, why would keep adding more glucose. I simply is only logical that we remove glucose, so that insulin doesn’t have to raise itself to match the level of glucose in the blood. Therefore your glucose falls, your insulin falls, thus making you more insulin sensitive. Eventually, you can enter a state of ketosis and reap even more benefits than just lowering blood sugar with what you eat.
Another way to create insulin sensitivity is activating and using our muscles in the form of resistance training. Many people wouldn’t be diabetic at all if they used their muscles on a constant basis. This is why you see construction workers that may be overweight but not yet diabetic. They use their muscles just enough to soak up some blood sugar so it doesn’t hang around the blood stream. So by taking a sedentary person and activating their muscles, then we begin to turn on the muscles ability to uptake glucose into the muscles. After all, part of insulin resistance is the muscles become insulin resistance and refuse to take up sugar because they haven’t burned through any of the sugar that they naturally store in the muscle tissue.
Now, to explain insulin resistance in the human body correctly, you have to understand that we are dealing with a storage problem. And the hormone that does all the storing is Insulin. If the cells are overly full, than the glucose that enters the blood stream cannot be taken up by an already full cell. So basically glucose just hangs around cause it has no place to go. So by cutting out the carbs we don’t give the body excess glucose to hang around the blood. And by activating muscles through resistance training we can

type 2 diabetes fasting

start taking up and burning glucose in the muscle. Finally, we can clear space from all our cells by taking the energy out of them for the times that is was properly stored there for in the first place….. FASTING. Yes, we are biologically set up to fast on a regular basis. The body is an efficient work of art in the way that it logically stores energy for later when their may be a time for it’s need (i.e. no food coming in). So by tapping into fasting we clear out Fat from cells all over our body. By doing so we have effectively cleared up space for storage in the future. That way no glucose is allowed to hang around the blood causing diabetic neuropathy or other complications. And there are so many other fasting benefits that come alongside just treating and reversing type 2 diabetes.


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