Weight Loss Plateau Coaching

Fayetteville Arkansas Weight Loss Plateau Coaching

So many diets to choose from. So much information on Dr. Google about weight loss. Who can you really believe? I talk to people all the time that are cutting calories, exercising like crazy, and Still can’t get the scale to budge. In fact this is what led me, 2 years ago, to become a Health Coach. My personal training clients weren’t lying to me about what they were doing outside the gym, and it drove me nuts that they weren’t getting results!

Over the last two years I have been introduced into the fascinating world of functional medicine. In  this new and growing field, I learned that you have to get to the root cause of the problems to reverse the symptoms. You can’t just take medications and slap them on problems like band aids and expect them to heal.

Fat Loss Stalls

In women in particular there are multiple reasons that the metabolism may start to slow. It’s extremely hard to burn fat if there is a handbrake stuck on in your metabolism. So in my Practice a Personal Trainer and Health Coach (in Fayetteville, Arkansas) I try to focus on the what the research is the top Reasons for Weight for Slow Metabolism. 

  1. Nutrition
  2. Exercise
  3. Thyroid
  4. Gut Dysfunction
  5. Hormones
  6. Sleep/Stress
  7. Poor Detox

Weight loss Plateau FayettevilleYou can pretty much find 99% of the underlying root cause for slow metabolism in any of these areas. In my health coaching practice, I go through each and every one of these areas to dig out symptoms. I do this by going over a functional evaluation in our first consult. It covers a wide range of symptom analysis that helps me identify what things you have been dealing with, and how they correlate with a sluggish metabolism. 

Once we identify the culprits than we design a specific program to reverse the damage, create healing, and get people moving and feeling better. Low and behold, the fat loss starts happening and the person usually feels immensely better. 

I encourage you to reach out to me if you can relate to what I just described. Symptoms could look like this:

-tired all of the time

-sore breasts, and/or gaining weight before period

-Gas, bloating, reflux, or constipation

-mood problems

-no sex drive or motivation

-cold all the time, hair falling out

-feeling very stressed

-cutting calories but weight doesn’t budge

Email me if you have any questions on any of this. Combining Personal Training and Health Coaching is the key to break through weight loss plateaus and living a more awesome life. 

Thanks for reading! Have an awesome day!


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