What does 30g of Fat look like Per Meal?

Ketogenic Diet Healthy Fat Macros

If your going to keep your carbs low, it’s time to ramp up the healthy fats that will bring back your vitality. Fat has been so demonized that it may be confusing on where to start, and what to start with! Relax, take a deep breath, and keto on. Keep Reading…..

Ketogenic fats

Commonly, my clients will ask me, ” You told me to get my fats up at every meal, what does 30g of fat per meal look like?”. So I often refer them to my Instagram page because it has over 100 different meal ideas from daily posts.

Healthy Fats are must whether your paleo, ketogenic, vegan, zone, south beach, etc etc. So it’s important to know how exactly to structure them in your daily routine. My friends over at Perfect Keto had some really good thoughts on this in a recent article they posted. If you want to know what 30g of fat looks like CLICK HERE.

In their Article they will answer the following questions:

Go over and give it a read! Also, check out some products and I’ll give you a Discount for 15% off at checkout. Use the Code KETOTIME15.

If you still can figure out what 30g of fat looks like, comment below and I’ll give you a shout! Thanks for reading!!!


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