Category: Uncategorized

Carrot love 101

Carrot Love Ok so its mid morning and you still have an hour or more until lunch. while everyone else is running for the vending machine for some sweet and salty processed crap, you remember your lil buddy that you brought from home. That lil buddy is the carrot....
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Pull up Benefits 101

The Pull up benefits us in so many ways. Thousands of years ago, pulling your own weight meant survival to the hunter gatherer. Whether he was hoisting himself over a rock ledge, scrambling up a tree from a predator, or just trying to get a coconut, the hunter gatherer...
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Earth’s natural foods vs. Man’s unnatural edibles

 High fructose corn syrup Friend or Foe? Foe!!!!!!!!!   This is a perfect example for how man has took a natural creation and twisted it into something potentially harmful to us. Corn processed and refined down into syrup ( in a process similar to crack from cocaine) that is almost...
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Type 2 Diabetes Coaching Type 2 Diabetes Coaching Muscles and Veggies is pioneering a movement helping clients Fight their Type 2 Diabetes, find freedom from Extra Costs involved, and losing a ton of fat. Type 2 Diabetes is growing in this country with a rapid pace. Muscles and Veggies is using Type...
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