Pull up Benefits 101

The Pull up benefits us in so many ways. Thousands of years ago, pulling your own weight meant survival to the hunter gatherer. Whether he was hoisting himself over a rock ledge, scrambling up a tree from a predator, or just trying to get a coconut, the hunter gatherer had to be able to lift his own body-weight over and over. Today we’re not forced to do those things like our ancestors, however the pull up translates to functionality and serious strength in our everyday lives. To give you and idea of how beneficial the pull up is: take for example the marines, navy, ad army all have a basic training that involves pull ups. Now regardless of my opinion of warfare on earth, it’s worth mentioning that these branches of military see the value in an individual qualifying for their sects by completing a certain number of pull ups to pass basic training. They want strong functional soldiers who can lift their own weight and not drag/slow the rest of the team down.

A regular routine of pull ups in your workouts improves your “activities of daily living” or what we call in the fitness industry your ADL’s. Whether your male or female you will benefit from learning and applying the pull up.

3 Pull up Benefits:

#1 You Don’t need a gym!

Underneath a set of stairs, a swing set, an exposed rafter, or even a tree branch will serve as your equipment. Once you move to the next level and want more resistance, you can add a medicine ball or weight bell to your pull ups! Talk about Strength!!!!

#2 Functional Strength!

Your lats(back) and arms are two of the most significant power you can dial in. And pull ups are great because your can isolate and construct which ever area you choose simply by changing your hand grip or elbow position. Pull ups also seriously solidify your shoulders by building stability. Pull ups also strengthen your spine and your core, unlike sitting down on a lat pull down machine.

#3 Shaping your Physique !

“you mean pull ups will make me look better too?” Yes !!! Have you seen the Olympic gymnastics team? They are some of the strongest pound for pound athletes on the planet. And do you notice what they do a lot of ? Lift their own body weight! From that classic V-shape to well developed arms these creatures posses it all. I suspect they eat their veggies too! 

The average man should be able to pull his body weight up about 10 times for one set. What’s great is when you can do it for multiple sets, or even multiple sets with more reps! No we’re not hunter gatherers anymore and we don’t have to scale a mountain for our dinner….. But there’s something to be said about knowing you could.


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